Friday, October 21, 2011

Freedom and Boredom Usually Come Together

Bored. You will only experience boredom when you do nothing. Procrastination and time wasting are the words of the day. You only live once, idiot. *And by "you", I mean me.

I am shocked with the news of a leader of a country murdered today. At a glance, the leader seems to be a tyrant, in which he brought with him some evil, selfish and oppressive doctrine. On the other hand, the dismissal of him from his throne, by the mean of violence seems to be exactly the same act that the leader himself practiced. Additionally, without the leader now, neo-colonization is on it's way to victory. Adhering to that facts, the verdict for the questions of who is right and who is wrong, I am in no capacity to speak and I don't know the answer.

You have your own opinion? Please keep it to yourself. 

On a side note, this set of images were taken during bored, solely with 50mm. I plan to use only 50mm on all occasion for a while now. Let us see how long I can maintain this. :)

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