Monday, February 18, 2013

Futsal Tournament Alumni SEMESTI 2013

It was very good to see good old friends after some time. It was nostalgic with all the name callings, and it was a reminiscence of the evening 'copa'. 

We used to call football during evening 'riadah' time as 'copa', as it is quite different from full fledged lawful football because we crammed huge number of players into a very small on an uneven-surfaced field. As a results, there were several incidents of broken bone, injuries, and war of words. Regardless of it's raw nature and lack of agreeable law, we enjoyed it so much and it was a great necessity to be present at the so-called 'field', even when some of us just being present by sitting in front of the goal and only get up when the ball is near. There were two teams, consist of unlimited number of players, in which each one of the team was known as 'team longkang' (because the goal post is near a big drain), and the other team was known as 'team jalan' (obviously because the goal post is near a small road, leading to staff's residential area).  

Good old days.

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