Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Abang Firdaus's Engagement

Congratulation Abang Firdaus! 

I am so happy for my cousin on his engagement to Marshitah Jaapar. We, cucu-cucu Tok Dollah are very happy for you Abang Firdaus. 

I was a bit nervous when Abang Firdaus called me, and ask me to be his 'official' photographer. When he mentioned "official", it was quite frightening, as it sounds like some kind of big responsibility that I have to carry. It was so sudden, late in the evening, just before we took off to his fiancee's house. I have very little experience in shooting event. And I didn't plan to shoot some serious official photos. I don't even have a speedlight with me, and I only have a modest 50mm and a kit lens to execute this job. But I tried my best, and these are the photos that I shot during that day. Luckily the weather was on my side, the lights was awesome. I really hope that I deliver some good, or at least decent photos for Abang Firdaus. 

To Abang Firdaus, we are looking forward for your wedding! 

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